;;; File: grid-env.lisp -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;;; Environments with a two-dimensional grid layout occupied by objects ;;; This file defines a GRID-ENVIRONMENT, a kind of environment where there is ;;; a rectangular grid of spaces, each potentially containing objects. ;;; (Notice that the ENVIRONMENT makes no mention of space or objects.) You ;;; won't be creating instances of grid-environment directly, but it is the ;;; key structure that is inherited by the Vacuum, Wumpus, Shopping and ;;; Elevator worlds. (defstructure (grid-environment (:include environment)) (size (@ 10 10)) ; Size of the 2-D array (grid nil) ; Will be a 2-D array of squares (objects '()) ; List of objects currently in this env. (start (@ 1 1)) ; Where agents begin (aspec '(ask-user-agent)) ; Specify default list of Agents (bspec '((at edge wall))) ; Specify Basic objects, common to all envs. (cspec '()) ; Specify objects that Change for each env. ) (defstructure object "An object is anything that occupies space. Some objects are 'alive'." (name "?") ; Used to print the object on the map (alive? nil) ; Is the object alive? (loc (@ 1 1)) ; The square that the object is in (bump nil) ; Has the object bumped into something? (size 0.5) ; Size of object as proportion of loc (color 'black) ; Some objects have a color (shape 'rectangle) ; Some objects have a shape (sound nil) ; Some objects create a sound (contents '()) ; Some objects contain others (max-contents 0.4) ; How much (total size) can fit inside? (container nil) ; Some objects are contained by another (heading (@ 1 0)) ; Direction object is facing as unit vector ) (defstruct (obstacle (:include object (name "#")))) (defstruct (wall (:include obstacle))) (defstruct (agent-body (:include object (alive? t) (name nil))) "An agent body is an object; some bodies have a hand that can hold 1 thing." (holding nil)) ;;;; Generic Functions (defmethod update-fn ((env grid-environment)) "Execute the actions and do bookkeeping on the bump sensor." (for each agent in (environment-agents env) do (setf (object-bump (agent-body agent)) nil)) ; dissipate bumps (execute-agent-actions env)) (defmethod legal-actions ((env grid-environment)) '(turn forward grab release)) (defmethod initialize ((env grid-environment)) "Build a new environment with all the agents and objects in place. This gets passed an environment which may need to have the objects placed. See PARSE-SPECS below in this file for more on initialization." (unless (environment-initialized env) ;; Build the grid and place objects where they belong (setf (grid-environment-grid env) (make-array (grid-environment-size env) :initial-element '())) (parse-specs env (grid-environment-aspec env)) (parse-specs env (grid-environment-bspec env)) (parse-specs env (grid-environment-cspec env)) (call-next-method))) (defmethod termination? ((env grid-environment)) "By default, we stop when there are no live agents." (every #'(lambda (agent) (not (object-alive? (agent-body agent)))) (environment-agents env))) (defmethod display-environment-snapshot ((env grid-environment)) "Show what is in each location in the environment." (print-grid (grid-environment-grid env) :width 4 :stream (environment-stream env) :key #'(lambda (objects) (format nil "~{~A~}" objects)))) (defmethod print-structure ((object object) stream) "Show an object's name, and if it is alive, the direction it faces." (let ((name (or (object-name object) (type-of object)))) (if (object-alive? object) (format stream "~A~A" name (heading->string (object-heading object))) (format stream "~A" name)))) ;;;; Actions (defmethod speak ((env grid-environment) agent-body sound) "The agent emits a sound." (declare-ignore env) (setf (object-sound agent-body) sound)) (defmethod turn ((env grid-environment) agent-body direction) "The agent changes its heading by turning right or left." (declare-ignore env) (let* ((headings '#((1 0) (0 1) (-1 0) (0 -1))) (now (position (agent-body-heading agent-body) headings :test #'equal)) (delta (case direction (right -1) (left +1) (t 0)))) (setf (object-heading agent-body) (elt headings (mod (+ now delta) 4))))) (defmethod forward ((env grid-environment) agent-body) "Move the object to the location that is one step directly ahead of it." (move-object-to agent-body (add-locs (object-loc agent-body) (object-heading agent-body)) env)) (defmethod grab ((env grid-environment) agent-body &optional args) "Grab an object at the specified location. Assumes a one-handed agent." (declare-ignore args) ;; They are used in other environments (let ((object (find-object-if #'grabable? (object-loc agent-body) env))) (when (and object (not (agent-body-holding agent-body)) (place-in-container object agent-body env)) (setf (agent-body-holding agent-body) object)))) (defun grabable? (object) (and (not (obstacle-p object)) (not (agent-body-p object)))) (defmethod release ((env grid-environment) agent-body &optional args) "Release an object that is in the hand, putting it at the specified loc." (declare-ignore args) ;; They are used in other environments (let ((object (agent-body-holding agent-body))) (when object (place-object object (object-loc agent-body) env) (setf (agent-body-holding agent-body) nil)))) ;;;; Initializing Environments ;;; The grammar for the object-specs language is as follows: ;;;
;;;   specs  =>  (spec...)
;;;   spec   =>  (AT where what...) | (* n spec...) | what
;;;   where  =>  EDGE | ALL | FREE? | START | (x y) | (AND where...)
;;;   what   =>  object | type | (type arg...) | (* n what...)  | (P x what...)
;;;   n      =>  integer | (+- integer integer)
;;; The location FREE? means a randomly chosen free loc, ALL means every loc.
;;; If no location is specified, the default is START for agents, FREE?
;;; otherwise.  
;;; Examples of spec:
;;;  (at edge wall)                  1 wall in every perimeter location
;;;  (at free? wumpus)               1 wumpus in some random free location
;;;  wumpus                          Same as above 
;;;  ask-user-agent                  1 ask-user-agent in the start cell
;;;  (* 2 apple)                     An apple in each of 2 random locations
;;;  (* 2 (apple :color green))      A green apple in each of 2 random locs
;;;  (at all (p 0.25 dirt))          All free locations have 1/4 chance of dirt
;;;  (at (2 3) (* 8 apple) sign)     Location (2 3) has 8 apples and a sign
;;;  (* (+- 10 4) apple)             10 plus or minus 4 (at random) apples
;;;  (at (and (1 2) (1 4)) cashier)  These two locations each get a cashier
;;;  (* 2 smoke fire)                2 random locs get both smoke and fire
(defun parse-specs (env specs) "Place objects, defined by specs, in the environment." (for each spec in specs do (parse-spec env spec))) (defun parse-spec (env spec) (case (op spec) (AT (parse-where env (arg1 spec) (rest (args spec)))) (* (for i = 1 to (parse-n (arg1 spec)) do (parse-specs env (rest (args spec))))) (t (parse-what env nil spec)))) (defun parse-where (env where whats) (cond ((eq where 'EDGE) (let ((x-size (xy-x (grid-environment-size env))) (y-size (xy-y (grid-environment-size env)))) (for i = 0 to (- x-size 1) do (parse-whats env (@ i 0) whats) (parse-whats env (@ i (- y-size 1)) whats)) (for i = 1 to (- y-size 2) do (parse-whats env (@ 0 i) whats) (parse-whats env (@ (- x-size 1) i) whats)))) ((eq where 'ALL) (dotimes (x (xy-x (grid-environment-size env))) (dotimes (y (xy-y (grid-environment-size env))) (when (free-loc? (@ x y) env) (parse-whats env (@ x y) whats))))) ((eq where 'FREE?) (parse-whats env (random-loc env :if 'free-loc?) whats)) ((eq where 'START) (parse-whats env (grid-environment-start env) whats)) ((xy-p where) (parse-whats env where whats)) ((eq (op where) 'AND)(for each w in (args where) do (parse-where env w whats))) (t (warn "Unrecognized object spec ignored: ~A" `(at ,where ,@whats))))) (defun parse-whats (env loc what-list) (for each what in what-list do (parse-what env loc what))) (defun parse-what (env loc what) "Place the objects specified by WHAT-LIST at the given location The default location is START for an agent, random otherwise. The notation (P 0.5 what...) means 50% chance of placing each what, and (* n what...) means place n copies of each what." (case (op what) (* (for i = 1 to (parse-n (arg1 what)) do (parse-whats env loc (rest (args what))))) (P (for each w in (rest (args what)) do (when (< (random 1.0) (arg1 what)) (parse-what env loc w)))) (t (let* ((object (if (object-p what) what (apply #'make (op what) (args what)))) (location (or loc (if (agent-p object) (grid-environment-start env) (random-loc env :if #'free-loc?))))) (place-object object location env t))))) (defun parse-n (n) (if (eq (op n) '+-) (round (+ (arg1 n) (random (float (arg2 n))) (- (random (float (arg2 n)))))) n)) (defun make (type &rest args) "Make an instance of the specified type by calling make-TYPE." (apply (concat-symbol 'make- type) args)) (defun random-loc (env &key (if #'true) (tries 100)) "Return a random loc, somewhere in the environment. The loc must satisfy the :IF predicate. If it can't find such a location after a number of TRIES, it signals an error." (or (for i = 1 to tries do (let ((loc (mapcar #'random (grid-environment-size env)))) (when (funcall if loc env) (RETURN loc)))) (error "Can't find a location."))) (defun free-loc? (loc env) "A location is free if there is no obstacle there and it is not the start." (and (not (find-object-if #'obstacle-p loc env)) (not (equal loc (grid-environment-start env)))))