;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- File: utilities/index.lisp ;;;; Make an Index to all the Lisp Functions, Variables, and Types ;;; Just call (gen-index) to produce output in the files ;;; "entries.html", and "overview-*.html" in the code/doc directory. ;;; All the names of definitions will be listed, alphabetically in ;;; entries.html, and in overview.html you will get a ;;; function-by-function listing with name, parameteres, and ;;; documentation strings. Comments with three semicolons (like this ;;; one) will be printed in the overview, and comments with 4 ;;; semicolons will be printed as a section header. (defmacro do-file ((var file &key (by '#'read)) &body body) "Execute body with VAR bound to succesive expressions from FILE." `(block nil (map-file #'(lambda (,var) ,@body) ,file :read ,by))) (defun map-file (fn file &key (read #'read)) "Apply fn to every expression in file." (with-open-file (s file :direction :input) (let ((eof "EOF")) (do ((x (funcall read s nil eof) (funcall read s nil eof))) ((eq x eof) nil) (funcall fn x))))) (defparameter *user-symbols* (make-hash-table :test #'eq) "Table with a count of uses and definitions of each user symbol.") (defvar *cl-symbols* (make-hash-table :test #'eq) "Table with a count of uses of each built-in Common Lisp symbol.") (defvar *counts* '(total 0) "Count of definitions, files, etc.") (defvar *aima-system* nil "Keep track of current system.") (defstruct (entry (:type list)) "An entry representing a name, number of uses and all its definitions." name (count 0) (page nil) (defs nil)) (defstruct def "A def is a definition: a kind (function, variable, etc), system file (or page number) and for defmethods, the type of the first argument." ;; Note that file is currently unused, except for page numbers kind system file arg-type) (defun gen-index (&optional (system-names *aima-system-names*)) "Create the index of all functions, variables, etc. in all files." (clrhash *user-symbols*) (clrhash *cl-symbols*) (record-book-pages) (setf *counts* '(total 0)) (gen-overview system-names) (gen-entries (aima-file "entries" :type "html" :path '("doc")))) (defun gen-overview (system-names) ;; Loop through systems, recording entries and writing output (dolist (name system-names) (unless (member name '(all everything)) (with-open-file (stream (aima-file (format nil "overview-~A" name) :type "html" :path '("doc")) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format t "~&Working on system ~A~%" (setq *aima-system* name)) (do-file (line (aima-file "README" :type "html" :path (list (string-downcase name))) :by #'read-line) (if (equal line "") (gen-files-overview name stream) (format stream "~A~%" line))))))) (defun gen-files-overview (name stream) (format stream "

") ;; List all the files: (operate-on-aima-system name #'(lambda (file) (setq file (file-with-type file "lisp")) (format stream "
  • ~A.lisp ~A" (aima-namestring file) (pathname-name file) (or (file-title file) ""))) :directory-operation #'(lambda (path) (format stream "~:*~A:~%~%~%") ;; Now list the functions in the files: (operate-on-aima-system name #'(lambda (file) (incf (getf *counts* 'file 0)) (format t "Working on file ~A~%" file) (overview-entries file stream))) ;; Finally print the trailer (format stream "
    AIMA Home Authors Lisp Code AI Programming Instructors Pages
    ")) (defun alphabetize (table if) "Alphabetize a table of entries." (sort (hashtable-vals table if) #'string-lessp :key #'(lambda (x) (stringify (entry-name x))))) (defun mapcarhash (fn table) "Do a maphash, and keep the results." (let ((result nil)) (maphash #'(lambda (key val) (push (funcall fn key val) result)) table) result)) (defun hashtable-vals (table if) (let ((result nil)) (maphash #'(lambda (key val) (declare (ignore key)) (when (funcall if val) (push val result))) table) result)) (defun gen-entries (entries.html) "Sort *user-symbols* and *cl-symbols* and print entries.html files. These are alphabetized, with A-Z 'tabs', and printed in two columns." (let* ((entries (alphabetize *user-symbols* #'(lambda (x) (or (entry-defs x) (entry-page x))))) (symbols (alphabetize *cl-symbols* #'true)) (width (reduce #'max (mapcar #'entry-width entries)))) (with-open-file (stream entries.html :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format stream "Index of AIMA Code

    Index of AIMA Code

    ~%") (format stream "There are ~D definitions (~D functions, ~D macros, ~D global variables and ~D types) defined in ~D files in the AIMA code." (reduce #'+ (remove-if-not #'numberp *counts*)) (getf *counts* 'f) (getf *counts* 'm) (getf *counts* 'v) (getf *counts* 't) (getf *counts* 'file)) (format stream " They are listed below in the left column, with links to the overview of each definition (documentation string, and parameter list for functions). From the overview you can link to the source code. The letters F, M, V, and T in the links stand for function, macro, variable and type, respectively; also given is the page number in the book where some of these definitions occur.

    In the right column are the ~D built-in Common Lisp symbols used in the code (along with the number of times each is used). You can follow a link to the definition of each one in the Common Lisp Hyperspec (based on the ANSI standard document). You can also go directly to the overview or the code directory.

    * A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    	      (length symbols))
          (format stream "AIMA Symbols~VTCommon Lisp Symbols~%" width)
          (format stream "============~VT===================~%" width)
          ;; Loop until both lists empty:
          ;;   Print tab
          ;;   Loop: print all entries with that tab
          (loop (when (and (null entries) (null symbols)) (RETURN))
    	(let ((ch (char-upcase 
    		   (char (entry-name (or (first entries) (first symbols))) 0)))
    	      c1 c2)
    	  (format stream "~&~VT~C~%" (- width 4) ch ch)
    	    (if (setq c1 (and entries 
    			      (char-ok? (entry-name (first entries)) ch)))
    		(format-entry-link stream (pop entries) width)
    	      (format stream "~&~VT" width))
    	    (if (setq c2 (and symbols 
    			      (char-ok? (entry-name (first symbols)) ch)))
    		(format-symbol-link stream (pop symbols))
    	      (format stream "~%"))
    	    (unless (or c1 c2) (RETURN))))))))
    (defun char-ok? (name ch)
      "Its ok to list name under ch if name starts with ch, or if
      both ch and name's first character are both symbols less than A."
      (let ((name-ch (char-upcase (char (string name) 0))))
        (or (char-equal ch name-ch)
    	(and (char< ch #\A) (char< name-ch #\A)))))
    (defun format-entry-link (stream entry width)
      "Print the entry and tab over to width.
      It looks like: NAME (34) [p. xxx] F F F"
      (format stream "~&~A (~D)~@[ [p. ~D]~]" 
    	  (entry-name entry) (entry-count entry) (entry-page entry))
      (dolist (def (entry-defs entry))
        (format stream " ~A" 
    	    (def-system def)
    	     (def-kind def) (entry-name entry) (def-arg-type def))
    	    (def-kind def)))
      (print-repeated " " (- width (entry-width entry)) stream))
    (defun format-symbol-link (stream entry)
      (format stream "~A (~D) ~%" 
    	  (hyperspec-link (intern (string-upcase (entry-name entry))))
    	  (entry-count entry)))
    (defun entry-width (entry)
      "Width in characters of printed output for entry,"
      (+ (length (entry-name entry))
         (if (entry-page entry) (+ 6 (number-width (entry-page entry))) 0)
         (+ 3 (number-width (entry-count entry)))
         (* 2 (length (entry-defs entry)))
         (* 4 (count-if #'numberp (entry-defs entry) :key #'def-file))))
    (defun number-width (n)
      (cond ((< n 10) 1)
    	((< n 100) 2)
    	((< n 1000) 3)
    	(t (+ 1 (ceiling (log (- n 1) 10))))))
    ;;;; Prepare the Overview File
    (defvar *comment-readtable* (copy-readtable))
    (defstructure semi-comment 
      "The text (string) and number of leading semicolons (level) in a comment."
      level string)
    (defmethod print-structure ((exp semi-comment) stream)
      (when (= (semi-comment-level exp) 4) (format stream "

    ")) (if (equal (semi-comment-string exp) "") (format stream "

    ~%") (format stream "~A~%" (semi-comment-string exp))) (when (= (semi-comment-level exp) 4) (format stream "

    ~%"))) (defun read-semi-comment (stream char) "Build a comment structure." (declare (ignore char)) (let ((num-semis 1)) (while (eql (peek-char nil stream) #\;) do (read-char stream) (incf num-semis)) (if (>= num-semis 3) (make-semi-comment :level num-semis :string (read-line stream)) (progn (read-line stream) (values))))) (set-macro-character #\; 'read-semi-comment nil *comment-readtable*) (defun overview-entries (file stream) "List all the definitions in this file." ;; The stream is a file in code/doc, so the links have a .. in them. (setf file (file-with-type file "lisp")) (format stream "

    File ~A

    ~%" (aima-namestring file) (aima-namestring file) (aima-namestring file)) (let ((*readtable* *comment-readtable*)) (do-file (exp file) (record-exp exp file) (overview-exp exp stream file)))) (defun overview-exp (exp stream file) "Top-level strings are outputted as HTML, quoted strings as headers, and DEFUN, DEFVAR, etc. as an interface summary." (cond ((and (semi-comment-p exp) (>= (semi-comment-level exp) 3) (not (search "-*- Mode:" (semi-comment-string exp)))) (print-structure exp stream)) ((consp exp) (let* ((name (first (mklist (second exp)))) (doc (or (find-if #'stringp (rest exp)) (second (find-if #'(lambda (x) (starts-with x :documentation)) (rest exp))))) (args "") (kind (case (first exp) ((DEFUN DEFGENERIC) (setq args (or (remove-&aux (mapcar #'first-atom (third exp))) "()")) "function") ((DEFMETHOD) (setq args (third exp)) "method") ((DEFMACRO) (setq args (third exp)) "macro") ((DEFVAR DEFPARAMETER) "variable") ((DEFCONSTANT) "constant") ((DEFTYPE) "type") ((DEFSTRUCT DEFSTRUCTURE) (setq args (mapcar #'first-atom (remove-if #'stringp (nthcdr 2 exp)))) "type") ((PROGN DEFINE-IF-UNDEFINED WHEN UNLESS) (dolist (x (rest exp)) (overview-exp x stream file)) nil)))) (when kind (format stream "

    ~(~A~) ~A ~(~A~) ~@[

    ~]~A~%" (overview-tag-name kind name (defmethod-arg-type exp)) (aima-namestring file) name kind (remove-&aux args) doc (if (null doc) "

    " "") ;??? )))))) (defun overview-tag-name (kind name arg-type) (declare (ignore kind)) (format nil "~(~A~@[:~A~]~)" name arg-type)) (defun defmethod-arg-type (exp) (when (starts-with exp 'defmethod) (let ((arg1 (first (third exp)))) (if (consp arg1) (second arg1) 't)))) (defun remove-&aux (list) (if (consp list) (ldiff list (member '&aux list)) list)) (defun record-exp (exp file) (when (consp exp) (let ((name (op (second exp)))) (record-symbols-counts exp name) (case (first exp) ((DEFUN DEFGENERIC) (record-entry name file 'f)) ((DEFMETHOD) (record-entry name file 'f (defmethod-arg-type exp))) ((DEFMACRO) (record-entry name file 'm)) ((DEFVAR DEFPARAMETER DEFCONSTANT) (record-entry name file 'v)) ((DEFSTRUCT DEFTYPE) (record-entry name file 't)) ((PROGN DEFINE-IF-UNDEFINED WHEN UNLESS) (dolist (subexp (rest exp)) (record-exp subexp file))))))) (defun get-entry (name table) (let ((symbol (if (symbolp name) (intern (string-upcase name)) name)) (name2 (if (stringp name) name (string-downcase name)))) (or (gethash symbol table) (setf (gethash symbol table) (make-entry :name name2))))) (defun record-entry (name file-or-page &optional (kind 'f) arg-type) (incf (getf *counts* kind 0)) (let ((entry (get-entry name *user-symbols*))) (if (numberp file-or-page) (setf (entry-page entry) file-or-page) (push (make-def :kind kind :arg-type arg-type :system *aima-system* :file (aima-namestring file-or-page)) (entry-defs entry))))) (defun first-atom (x) (if (atom x) x (first-atom (first x)))) (defun aima-namestring (file) (enough-namestring (truename file) (truename *aima-root*))) (defun file-title (pathname) "If the file starts with a ;;;; comment, return it." (let ((*readtable* *comment-readtable*)) (do-file (exp pathname) (cond ((not (semi-comment-p exp)) (RETURN nil)) ((= 4 (semi-comment-level exp) ) (RETURN (semi-comment-string exp))))))) (defun record-symbols-counts (exp name) "Record uses of any symbols in the Common Lisp or user packages. Don't count uses of NAME; the idea is that this counts non-recursive refs." (case (type-of exp) (CONS (record-symbols-counts (car exp) name) (if (cdr exp) (record-symbols-counts (cdr exp) name))) (SYMBOL (cond ((eq exp name) nil) ((eq (symbol-package exp) #.(or (find-package "COMMON-LISP") (find-package "LISP"))) (incf (entry-count (get-entry exp *cl-symbols*)))) ((eq (symbol-package exp) #.(or (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") (find-package "USER"))) (incf (entry-count (get-entry exp *user-symbols*)))))))) ;;; Record page numbers for functions from the book (defun mapply (fn list) "Each element of list is a list of args; apply fn to it, collect results." (mapcar #'(lambda (args) (apply fn args)) list)) (defun record-book-pages () (mapcar #'(lambda (args) (apply #'record-entry args)) '( (table-driven-agent 38) (simple-reflex-agent 41) (run-environment 49) (run-eval-environment 49) (simple-problem-solving-agent 57) (problem 60 t) (node 72 t) (general-search 73) (breadth-first-search 74) (depth-first-search 78) (iterative-deepening-search 79) (best-first-search 93) (greedy-search 93) (A*-search 97) (IDA* 107) (DFS-contour 107) (SMA* 110) (hill-climbing 112) (simulated-annealing 113) (minimax-decision 126) (minimax-value 126) (max-value 132) (min-value 132) (KB-agent 152) (propositional-KB-agent 177) (GSAT 183) (KB-agent 202) (forward-chain 273) (find-and-infer 273) (back-chain 275) (back-chain-list 275) (unify 303) (unify-internal 303) (sem-net-node 321 t) (member? 322) (subset? 322) (related-to? 322) (all-related-to? 322) (simple-planning-agent 338) (POP 356) (select-subgoal 356) (choose-operator 356) (resolve-threats 356) (choose-operator 358) (resolve-threats 358) (HD-POP 374) (resolve-threats 382) (select-sub-goal 385) (choose-operator 385) (resolve-threats 385) (conditional-planning-agent 395) (CPOP 395) (replanning-agent 402) (situated-planning-agent 408) (DT-agent 419) (belief-net-ask 452) (support-except 452) (evidence-except 452) (simple-policy-agent 501) (value-iteration 504) (policy-iteration 506) (decision-theoretic-agent 508) (decision-theoretic-agent 511) (reflex-performance-element 530) (reflex-learning-element 530) (decision-tree-learning 537) (current-best-learning 547) (version-space-learning 549) (decision-list-learning 556) (neural-network-learning 577) (back-prop-update 581) (passive-rl-agent 602) (lms-update 602) (td-update 605) (active-adp-agent 608) (q-learning-agent 614) (genetic-algorithm 620) (minimal-consistent-det 635) (consistent-det? 635) (rbdtl 635) (foil 643) (new-clause 643) (extend-example 643) (simple-communicating-agent 663) (bottom-up-parse 666) (nondeterministic-chart-parse 699) (chart-parse 702) (add-edge 702) (scanner 702) (predictor 702) (completer 702) (find-transform 753) (align 754) (summation 851) (integer 856) )))