Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Artificial Intelligence Textbooks

The following table summarizes the major AI textbooks for introductory AI and for related topics, ordered by their Sales Rank within each topic.

AuthorIntro AIYearPagesAmazonCode
Russell, Norvig AI: A Modern Approach (2nd ed.) 2002 11003,000 2M Lisp, Python, Java
Winston AI (3rd ed.) 1992 691 78,000 55K Lisp
Nilsson AI: A New Synthesis 1998 536 92,000 None
Dean, Allen, Aloimonos AI: Theory and Practice 1994 650 230,000 419K Lisp, C++
Luger AI: Structures and Strategies ... (4th ed.) 2002 1000 261,000 68K Lisp, Prolog
Ginsberg Essentials of AI 1993 430 281,000 None
Rich, Knight AI (2nd ed.) 1990 640 306,000 33K Lisp
Poole, Mackworth, Goebel Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach 1998 608 350,000 Prolog
Tanimoto The Elements of AI Using Common Lisp 1995 559 370,000 318K Lisp
Bender Mathematical Methods in Artificial Intelligence 1998 450461,000
Weiss Multiagent Systems 2000 64845,000
Cockayne, Zyda Mobile Agents 1998 312168,000
Rosenchein Rules of Encounter 1994 253234,000
Wooldridge Reasoning about Rational Agents 2000 241187,000
Ghallab, Nau, Traverso Automated Planning: theory and Practice1994635 475,000
Zweben Intelligent Scheduling 1994 754327,000
Yang Intelligent Planning 1998 264444,000
Mitchell An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms 1998 22414,000
Goldberg Genetic Algorithms in Search ... 1989 41243,000
Clarke, Grumberg, Peled Model Checking 2000 33061,000
Davis Engines of Logic 2001 272134,000
Quine Mathematical Logic 1981 ?181,000
Newborn, Newborn Automated Theorem Proving 2001 231644,000
Pearl Causality: Models, reasoning and Inference 2001 38414,000
Pearl Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems 1986 55249,000
AuthorMachine LearningYearPagesAmazonCode
Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman The Elements of Statistical Learning 2001 6,000
Bishop Neural Netowrks for Pattern Recognition 1996 50411,000
Witten, Frank Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools ... 1999 12,000 4M Java
Cristianini, Shawe-Taylor An Introduction to Support Vector Machines 2000 18913,000
Duda, Hart, Stork Pattern Classification (2nd ed.) 2000 14,000 Matlab
Mitchell Machine Learning 1997 43238,000
Sutton, Barto Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction 1998 43249,000
Ripley Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks 1995 40374,000 Fortran
Vapnik Statistical Learning Theory 1998 73679,000
Kearns, Vazirani An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory 1994 221173,000
Quinlan C4.5: Programs for machine Learning 1993 302246,000
AuthorNatural LanguageYearPagesAmazonCode
Jurafsky, Martin Speech and Language Processing 2000 96017,000
Manning, Schutze Foundations of Statistical NLP 1999 62034,000
Witten, Moffat, Bell Managing Gigabytes 1999 51943,000
Jelinek Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition 1998 30047,000
Allen Natural Language Understanding 1995 ?47,000 Lisp
Charniak Statistical Language Learning 1996 19289,000 C++
Sag, Wasow Syntactic Theory 1999 440181,000
Braitenberg Vehicles 1986 16843,000
Murphy An Introduction to AI Robotics 2000 40043,000
Kortenkamp et al. AI and Mobile Robots 1998 40069,000
Arkin Behavior-Based Robotics 1998 49180,000
Dudek, Jenkin Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics 2000 28083,948
Forsyth, Ponce Computer Vision: A Modern Approach 2002 72037,000
Marr Vision: A Computational Investigation... 1983 ?41,000
Palmer Vision Science 1999 76060,000
Kurzweil The Age of Spiritual Machines 2000 3887,000
Brooks Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us 2002 26016,000
Dennett Consciousness Explained 1992 ?17,000
Minsky The Society of Mind 1988 ?18,000
Simon The Sciences of the Artificial (3rd ed.) 1996 21525,000
Searle The Mystery of Consciousness 1997 22440,000
Winograd, Flores Understanding Computers and Cognition 1987 22451,000
Clark Being There 1998 30855,000
Moravec Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind 2000 24057,000
Dreyfus What Computers Still Can't Do 1992 42999,000
AuthorLisp ProgrammingYearPagesAmazonCode
Graham ANSI Common Lisp 1995 43210,000 46K Lisp
Sussman, Abelson The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 1996 65730,000 Scheme
Norvig Paradigms of AI Programming 1992 94674,000 481K Lisp
Winston, Horn Lisp 1989 61176,000 Lisp
Graham On Lisp 1994 41390,000 56K Lisp
Wilensky Common LispCraft 1986 500243,000 None
Forbus, de Kleer Building Problem Solvers 1993 716337,000 Lisp
Charniak, Riesbeck, McDermott AI Programming 1987 533939,000 ?
AuthorProlog ProgrammingYearPagesAmazonCode
Bratko Prolog Programming for AI (3rd ed.) 1990 67869,000 Prolog
Clocksin, Mellish Programming in Prolog (3rd edition) 1987 281108,000 ?
O'Keefe The Craft of Prolog 1990 411269,000 ?
Shoham AI Techniques in Prolog 1994 327836,000 Prolog
Tracy, Bouthoorn Object-Oriented AI in C++ 1996 468338,000 179K C++
Wilson MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences 1999 ?270,000
Shapiro Encyclopedia of AI (2nd ed.) 1992 1792730,000
Arbib Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (2nd ed.) 2002 13441,958,000

AI: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter NorvigModified: May 16, 2007