#[ SECTIONS = fieldsplit('=', """ intro = Overview of AI best = Highly Recommended Links agents = Intelligent Agents search = Search and Game Playing logic = Logic and Knowledge Representation planning = Planning uncertainty = Reasoning with Uncertainty learning = Machine Learning nlp = Natural Language Processing robotics = Perception and Robotics phil = Philosophy and the Future lisp = AI Programming (Lisp) java = AI Programming (C++ and Java) python = AI Programming (Python) prolog = AI Programming (Prolog) """) GENRES = fieldsplit('=', """ ---- = --- ref = Reference list = Lists of Links jour = Journals ---- = --- people = People ---- = --- com = Companies news = News & Mail soft = Software ---- = --- edu = Research Groups org = Organizations humor = Humor """) import re db = {} #] #[ def process(links, reg=re.compile("(.*)((http|mailto|ftp):.+?)[ ]+([a-z,]+)[.]([a-z,]+)[ ]*(.*)$"), SECTIONS=SECTIONS, GENRES=GENRES, db=db): sectionnames = [n for (n, t) in SECTIONS] genrenames = [n for (n, t) in GENRES] for link in links: if link.startswith('#'): continue match = reg.match(link) if not match: print 'BAD LINE IN AI:', link; continue anchor, url, protocol, sections, genres, tip = match.groups() anchor = anchor.strip(); tip = tip.strip() if anchor.endswith('*'): anchor = '' + anchor + '' sections = sections + ',best' for s in sections.split(','): if s not in sectionnames: print 'BAD SECTION', s, link for g in genres.split(','): if g not in genrenames: print 'BAD GENRE', g, link db.setdefault((s,g), []) db[(s,g)].append((anchor, url, tip)) #] #[ links = file('ai').read().strip().split('\n') process(links) #] #[ def genre_head(title): return ('''
\n\n''' % (title)) def format_entries(secname, genrename, genretitle): key = (secname, genrename) if key not in db: return '' result = genre_head(genretitle) for anchor, url, tip in db[key]: if tip: result += '
%s+' % (url, tip, anchor) else: result += '
%s' % (url, anchor) return result + '

' #] <>


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Content as it was in 2015 (Some Obsolete)

This page links to <> pages around the web with information on Artificial Intelligence. Links in Bold* followed by a star are especially useful and interesting sites. Links with a + sign at the end have "tooltip" information that will pop up if you put your mouse over the link for a second or two. If you have new links to add, mail them to peter@norvig.com. We hope you can find what you want in one of the following subtopics:
#[for i in range(len(SECTIONS)): symbol, anchor = SECTIONS[i]; #[ if (i % 5 == 0):
#] <>
#[for secname, sectitle in SECTIONS:


#[ for genrename, genretitle in GENRES: #[ if genrename == '----':
#| else: <> #] #]
#] <